Linux directory structure and details

Linux common directory structure of Centos/Ubuntu Use of directory’s /bin      1. contains user(Essential) command binaries (executable file) 2. Examples: /bin/top,/bin/mv,/bin/cut,/bin/cp,/bin/rename,/bin/mkdir,etc… /boot 1. contains  boot related file 2. Examples: grup, boot loader,kernel /dev    1. contains internal attached device ...

How to create LVM Partitions ?

LVM partition has three levels of structure as below Physical volume Volume Group Logical volume Step: 1 – Physical volume creation First, we have to create the physical volume before creating the volume group, Now I’m going to make physical...

What is LVM Partition ?

LVM is a tool for Logical Volume Management which includes Allocating disks Striping Mirroring Snapshot Resizing logical volumes LVM Architecture LVM functions by three layering abstractions Physical Volumes Physical block devices or other disk-like devices (for example, other devices created...

What is firewalld ?

Firewalld provides a dynamically managed firewall with support for network/firewall zones that define the trust level of network connections or interfaces. It has support for IPv4, IPv6 firewall settings, ethernet bridges and IP sets. There is a separation of runtime...

How to install Vmware ESXi 6.5

Step 1 : Insert  the ESXi 6.5 hypervisor bootable image and then boot from CD-ROM Step 2 : Select ESXI-6.5.0 – standard installer and “Enter” Step 3 : Press “Enter” key from keyboard Step 4 : Press “F11” key from...